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Exhibition and Sponsorship

AATS continues to provide the best of in-person and virtual education. The 102nd Annual Meeting will reunite surgeons in-person to have discussions, ask hard questions, hear new perspectives, and build on each other’s work.

Each year, attendees from around the world are focused on excellence, leadership, scholarship, and innovation with a commitment to action and long-term positive change.

Thank you to our 103rd Annual Meeting Sponsors.

Target Audience

The Annual Meeting is targeted towards cardiothoracic surgeons; physicians in related specialties including cardiothoracic anesthesia, cardiology, pulmonology, radiology, gastroenterology, and thoracic oncology; fellows and residents in cardiothoracic and general surgical training programs; perfusionists; non-physician health care providers involved in the care of cardiothoracic surgical patients; and medical students with an interest in cardiothoracic surgery.

Industry Prospectus

The Industry Prospectus contains vital information for all companies exhibiting at the event. The event offers unique promotional, advertising, and sponsorship opportunities to enhance and broaden your exposure.

More Information

For more information on exhibit opportunities, please contact:

Debi Maines, CMP
Senior Manager, AATS Exhibit Sales and Management A. Fassano & Company

Meredith Turner
Associate Director, Business Development and Sales A. Fassano & Company

For more information on sponsorship opportunities, please contact:

Melissa J. Binette
Vice President of Development and Strategic Partnership