The AATS Aortic Symposium Workshop Boston focuses on the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment of aortic aneurysms and dissections. The faculty consists of world leaders in the field who have been invited to share their experience regarding difficult problems and solutions in aortic disease.
Target Audience
- Cardiovascular and thoracic surgeons
- Residents
- Perfusionists
- ICU nurses
- Those involved with the care of individuals with aortic disease
Sponsorship Opportunities
- Grant Support
- Symposium
- Exhibits
- Live Streaming Sponsorship
- Banner on Blast Emails
Industry Prospectus
The Industry Prospectus contains vital information for all companies exhibiting at the event. The event offers unique promotional, advertising, and sponsorship opportunities to enhance and broaden your exposure.
View ProspectusFor more information on exhibit opportunities, please contact:
Debi Maines, CMP
Senior Manager, AATS Exhibit Sales and Management A. Fassano & Company
For more information on sponsorship opportunities, please contact:
Melissa J. Binette
Vice President of Development and Strategic Partnership