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Featured Speakers

Pioneer Panel: Speedbumps, Detours and Road Construction

Saturday, May 6 4:20PM-5:00PM PT


Gilda A. Barabino



Judy Woodruff



Yolonda L. Colson



Lars G. Svensson



Did you know that if a female surgeon has a patient death, that referrals to all women in the group can decreased by over 50%? Did you know that top universities turn out black and Hispanic computer science and computer engineering graduates at twice the rate that leading technology companies hire them, casting doubt on the “pipeline” being the issue? Dr. Gilda Barabino, a national leader in the efforts to engage engineers in the development of solutions to health disparities, will open the session with data that speaks to the disparity around us in science and healthcare and ways to move forward.

Drs. Yolonda Colson and Lars Svensson, AATS President and President-Elect, will moderate a subsequent discussion with Gilda Barabino and Judy Woodruff, an award-winning journalist and former major network news anchor, comparing and contrasting the challenges in journalism, STEMM, education and cardiothoracic surgery that make effective sustainable change difficult to achieve.

The panel aims to identify unappreciated obstacles in recruitment & retention, finances, culture, and safety, that undermine the success of programmatic initiatives to increase diversity, thereby challenging our efforts to attract and support excellent surgical partners & trainees. Whether a department chair, division chief, or fellow cardiothoracic surgeon, each of us has a vital stake in the success of all of us. By including a broad range of experiences and perspectives in this conversation it is hoped that valuable insights and practical strategies may be identified that will improve not only the health and wellbeing of our surgeons, staff and patients but also the cultural and financial health of our surgical practices.

Plenary Session and Keynote Speaker: Siddhartha Mukherjee

Sunday, May 7
9:15AM-12:00PM PT

Siddhartha Mukherjee is a pioneering physician, oncologist, and author who has redefined our public discourse on human health, medicine, and science. A profoundly influential voice in the scientific community, he is best known for his books, The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer, which earned him the 2011 Pulitzer Prize, and The Gene: An Intimate History which won international awards and was recognized by the Washington Post and The New York Times as one of the most influential books of 2016. Most recently he has released, The Song of the Cell: An Exploration of Medicine and the New Human published October 2022.

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Presidential Plenary Session and David J. Sugarbaker Memorial Lecture

Monday, May 8
9:15AM-12:00PM PT

Toni Lerut, MD, PhD, is Emeritus Professor of Surgery at and Emeritus Chairman of the Department of Thoracic Surgery at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. He obtained his MD degree and his training in General Surgery at the Katholieke Universiteit in Leuven, Belgium, after which he trained as a registrar in Thoracic Surgery to Mr. Ronald Belsey in Bristol, United Kingdom, 1974-1975. In 1982 he obtained a guest scholarship in the Department of Surgery, University of Chicago (Prof. Dr. D. Skinner, Prof. Dr T. De Meester). These contacts furthered his interest in thoracic and esophageal surgery and thoracic oncology.

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