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Ichiro Yoshino has been an auditor at JATS since 2024, and a President of Japanese Association for Chest Surgery since 2020, as well as he is a former member of the Board of Directors (2017-2022). Dr. Yoshino has also been elected as an active member at AATS since 2013. Dr. Yoshino has contributed to clinical practice, research, and education in general thoracic surgery in Japan for more than 30 years following 5 years’ experience of basic research of tumor immunology at Kyushu University and Harvard University. His main career was a chairman professor at Chiba University during 2007-2022, and in 2022, he will become the director of the International University of Health and Welfare Narita Hospital while continuing his academic activities. Dr. Yoshino has published more than 400 publications, including on lung transplantation, clinical research on lung cancer, plastic surgery in multi-modal treatment for thoracic malignancy, and surgical treatment of lung cancer with interstitial pneumonia.