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Rakesh Arora

University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center

Dr. Arora is a Clinical Professor at Case Western Reserve University and is also the Director of Clinical Research of the Division of Cardiac Surgery with the HHVI. His personal research interests have concentrated on the enhancing recovery and care of the critically ill cardiac patient. He has specific focus on delirium and frailty in the older adult undergoing cardiovascular surgery. He has received funding from the CIHR, HSFC and the Canadian Frailty Network. Dr. Arora has over 250 peer-reviewed manuscripts and book chapters and is an internationally invited speaker for his teams clinical and research endeavors.

In 2009, Dr. Arora has pioneered a national society, The CANadian CARdiovascular critical care (CANCARE) Society ( that aims to advance the care of critically-ill cardiovascular patients using interdisciplinary expertise in a cooperative model. In addition, he is a Past-President of the American Delirium Society (2015) and a Co-Founder of the International Federation of Delirium Societies (iDelirium). More recently (2018) he has been appointed to the Executive of the Enhanced Recovery after Surgery Cardiac Surgery Society (ERAS-CS) and as an Associate Editor for the Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery (Perioperative Management Section), Chair Society of Thoracic Surgeons Workforce for Critical Care (2019) and is the Immediate Past-President for the Canadian Society of Cardiac Surgeons.