The AATS 2022 Surgical Treatment for Arrhythmias and Rhythm Disorders (STARS) meeting is a two-day, interactive forum to support the exchange of information between electrophysiologists and surgeons. Providing a comprehensive, unbiased review of the surgical treatment of cardiac arrhythmias and rhythm disorders, the meeting will cover basic underlying mechanisms, cardiac recording and mapping techniques, clinical electrophysiology, operative techniques, cardiac monitoring, and appropriate follow-up.
Target Audience
- Cardiothoracic Surgeons
- Cardiologists
- Electrophysiologist
- Fellows-in-Training
- Resident/Medical Students
- Nurses
- Nurse Practitioners
- Physician Assistants
- Researchers
Sponsorship Opportunities
- Symposium
- Exhibit Hall Table Tops
- Key Cards
- WiFi
Industry Prospectus
Industry Support is a vital part of the Surgical Treatment for Arrhythmias and Rhythm Disorders meeting and we encourage you to view the Industry Prospectus to learn more about taking part in this incredible opportunity.
Industry ProspectusFor more information on sponsorship opportunities, please contact:
Melissa J. Binette
Vice President of Development and Strategic Partnership