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Exhibition and Sponsorship

The AATS 103rd Annual Meeting was a great success featuring over 75 sessions, 645 abstracts, and 105 exhibitors. View Attendee Demographics. AATS is currently planning the 104th Annual Meeting, to be held April 27-30, 2024, in Toronto, ON, Canada. The 104th Annual Meeting will bring together surgeon leaders as well as the next generation of great clinicians.

The AATS 104th Annual Meeting will be in collaboration with the Society of Cardiovascular Anesthesiologists (SCA), offering even greater options to our perioperative team member attendees.

Each year, attendees from around the world are focused on excellence, leadership, scholarship, and innovation with a commitment to action and long-term positive change.

Thank you to our 103rd Annual Meeting Sponsors.

Target Audience

The Annual Meeting is targeted towards cardiothoracic surgeons; physicians in related specialties including cardiothoracic anesthesia, cardiology, pulmonology, radiology, gastroenterology, and thoracic oncology; fellows and residents in cardiothoracic and general surgical training programs; perfusionists; non-physician health care providers involved in the care of cardiothoracic surgical patients; and medical students with an interest in cardiothoracic surgery.

Sponsorship and Exhibit Opportunities

Are you looking to highlight your brand and showcase your latest innovations? Contact us to learn about sponsorship and exhibit options. AATS offers opportunities ranging in value and focus. We can help you to meet with surgeon leaders, provide speaking opportunities, or splash your brand around the event space. Challenge our team to help you reach your business goals.

Learn More

Affiliate Function and Meeting Space Requests

If your company is planning on hosting a meeting or event during the AATS 104th Annual Meeting, please utilize the Affiliate Function Space Request Form to request the meeting space at one of the AATS official hotels.

All affiliate functions must be approved by the AATS. Requests will be reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis. Please allow 2-3 weeks for receipt of confirmation and meeting room assignment. We ask that you do not contact hotels directly without prior consent from AATS.

For more information about sponsorship opportunities, please contact:

Caroline Arrington
Senior Manager of Industry Relations